My Village Tales – Part 2

jackfrost 2016-01-17 Comments

This story is part of a series:

Hey guys this is rohan and I am back with the second part of my story “my village tales”. In this part im going to narrate what transpired between rajesh and barkha aunty while I was banging sumitra amma. For those of you yet not read d first part please read it as im not gonna provide any summary of the previous part of the story and continue each part where I left.

Now to the story . As I mentioned above I am going to narrate(as rajesh) what he told me in the evening after coming from the temple what happened with him and barkha aunty that day.

(Me as rajesh from now)

I told you I had a plan to seduce barkha maa , im glad we both seduce them(rajesh referring to me seducing sumitra amma in the previous part n him seducing barkha aunty) now im going to tell you how I did it.

I knew that we were going to that temple today as it is a family tradition for his mother to take his son or daughter to the temple 5 day before his son or daughter turn 18 year old . So I had this plan for a long time.

There is a old greedy baba who takes care of the temple whom all the villagers believed only the village sarpanch(head of the village) and his family knew the truth about the baba as the baba worked for the sarpanch, I came to know about it because the sarpanchs son was a good friend of mine he also told me if I bribe the baba he would do exactly what I say.

Today while going to the temple I took some cash with me which I have been saving they were around 5000 which according to my friend were enough to bribe the baba .

The temple was in a very remote place and was not visited very often by people

There were a few huts there for people to rest after their long journey, so when me n barkha maa reached the temple we went to rest n while she was resting I snuck out and bribed the baba and told his what to say to barkha maa n the baba agreed n took the money. I went back to the hut then we both went and met the baba barkha maa touched his feet and took blessings from him she had blind faith in him. Barkha maa told the baba that I was turning 18 in 5 days and to do some prayers for me and tell my future

So the baba said some prayers and then suddenly got up and told that your son had a curse hearing this barkha maa got scared a asked what kind curse.

Baba told that I would die when I turn 18. Barkha maa was shattered, she then begged the baba for a solution and she would do anything for her sons life.

The told the is a way. She was relieved hearing this she asked what way . The baba said your son must marry before he turns 18. Barkha maa said sure I will find a girl for her as soon as I can , the baba looked at her n said no he can’t marry any ordinary girl but only the one who brought him in this world that’s you he said

Barkha maa was shocked till the core, she said who can I , there must be some other way the baba said no there is no other way if you don’t do it he will die

Barkha maa was now in no position to say no she said ok I was happy hearing this

Baba also said you will have to be his wife in all sense and bear his child and when the child is born he will be free from the curse

Barkha maa cried and said ok I will do what ever it takes

A few hours later the baba married us and barkha maa became my wife the baba gave us his blessings and told us to go

We then went in the hut barkha maa said to me rajesh from now on I am your wife and u have the same rights on me as your father hearing this I was really excited but behave sad and confused she then undressed herself by removing her saree then came to me and undressed me

Seeing her nude made me mad she came and hugged me I could feel her flesh touching my flesh then I couldn’t control my self I held her ass and started squeezing it and started rubbing her pussy she then kissed me. I was touching her whole body we both started shivering with pleasure then I pinned her down and put my dick in her and started thrusting it in as hard as I can she the shouted loudly in pleasure… It was really loud im sure even the baba must have heard it but we were least bothered about it barkha maa then started to respond very well she was wild as village women are very wild when it comes to sex.

Then again I started thrusting her pussy till I shot a huge load of cum in her pussy after that I removed my dick in put it in her asshole now she was surprised and asked me what I was doing I said shut up and pushed my dick in she then just screamed in pain and begged me not to do it but I just kept at it she finally started to feel the pleasure and cummed I stopped but she said keep going don’t stop I did for few minutes and stopped now we were both tried so we stopped for a while n started licking each other like dogs then we continued again

Whole day I fucked her like a bitch by the end of the day it was getting late so we stopped took baba’s blessings

He told us may we have a child soon

Barkha maa smiled and thanked the baba

And then we came home that’s it that’s how it all happened.

(Now I am narrating the story us myself rohan)

I said wow man that was so erotic

Rajesh smiled and thanked

Then I told him what happened between me and sumitra amma(what happened in the first part)

Then we went to the house but what we saw made us scared

Rajesh father , barkha aunty and sumitra amma were seriously talking about something we the enquired. We then came to know that barkha aunty told everything what the baba told her to his father and sumitra amma rajesh was terrified but to our surprise rajesh father and sumitra amma believed what the baba had said

Rajeshs father came to him and hugged him and said we must do what the baba has told us to do from now on you are barkhas husband and she is your wife

And said he will marry a new girl to have her as his wife

Me and rajesh looked each other and winked each other we could not believe it

But his father told that the rest of the village should not know about it and his father begged me not to tell anyone that his wife was now his daughter in law I said ok

Few days passed rajesh and barkha aunty lived like husband and wife while me and sumitra amma continued our secret sexual relationship and rajeshs father married a young woman called shama she was barely 19 years old rajeshs step mother but to the other villagers she was the house maid . We explained her everything and she was ok with it.

Everything was going good but one day sumitra amma and me got caught in the act by shama and everything changed

I will tell you guys what happened in the next part

End of part 2

Stay tuned…..

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