The Passionate Family – Part 6 (Darkness Or Light?)

Pokemaniac ๐Ÿ… 2022-02-27 Comments

This story is part of a series:

The end of the Sai and Saundarya saga is here! Let’s embark one last time in Sai and Soundarya’s life.

How did the family’s life change in just 7 days! What do light (life, happiness, prosperity) and dark (chaos, death, and the underworld ) actually pertain to? Did you enjoy this lovable dark tale of the passionate family? Feedback and comments? reach out to me at [email protected]

So, we were in the bedroom.

A scream just changed the environment, mood and settings in the room. Scared, they all turned their heads towards the door. Annapurna wrapped the bedsheet to cover herself. Soundarya was too tired to move an inch. She was lying on top of her brother.

Sai tried to find something to cover him and his sister. The guys wondering who the person is? And how was he able to enter the home?

Voice – Who the fuck are you guys? What in the hell is going on? Annapurna? Sai and Soundarya?

Annapurna – (In a trembling voice) Dear, when did you get back?

Guy 1 – So, you’re her husband?

Guy 2 – Welcome, welcome! However, we are the man of the house now!

Narayan – Is this a whore house now? I thought, Sai was in jail, and this is what I found you doing when I rushed back?

The guys brief the details and adventure of Soundarya and Annapurna. The father was forced to go back by the 2 guys being blackmailed with their videos.

It was more and more of a whore house every night for a little more than a month. The 2 guys didn’t come alone. They brought other people to join them. Sometimes their friends, sometimes, unknown people ready to pay them for some fun frolic night.

Narayan came back one day. He looked kind of calm and silent. He entered to find his neighbor with his daughter and the guys with his wife.

The guys welcomed him and offered him a seat for the live show. He sat silently watching everything and didn’t utter a word. Annapurna was worried to see her husband in that state and wondered what could have transpired? He wasn’t the person to sit quietly.

The night passed. The guys left. The neighbor had a wide grin while leaving and said a big thank you to Narayan. Narayan was still quiet.

After everyone left:

Narayan – Everyone sit. I have something to tell you.

The family had discussed something. Annapurna, Soundarya and Sai were happy.

That night, the guys came back with their friends and also the neighbor was excited as Narayan was also at home. And he was planning to have Annapurna in front of him.

They all arrived at around 8 pm. That is the time they arrived every night. This night was going to be different. As Narayan would be home and everyone was planning to make him watch everything, They planned a rough long night for the ladies. However, the joke was on them tonight.

They arrived to find the door locked, which usually remained open as per the guy’s order. They rang the doorbell. The door opened.

A voice from inside – Yes, how may I help you?

Guy 1 – Where are the owners? We came to meet them.

Voice – I am the owner. What business do you have?

Guy 2 – Enraged, don’t fuck with us. Call Annapurna and Narayan!

Voice – Narayan? Oh, you mean the previous owner? They sold the house to me and left.

Guy 1 – What?

Guy 2 – I bet they are hiding inside. Let’s check inside. Move, you old man!

Voice – I believe I have to call the police as you people are trying to break into my home. I told you, this is my house now.

The guys were forced to leave. The new owner called the police. It was proved it was his house now.

So, what happened?

Narayan was in the city for the last 2 weeks. He went back to work. He worked towards getting a new home in a different city in the shadows. In the last 2 weeks, he stayed at a hotel. He was able to find a buyer for his house. He turned up at his house after everything was a done deal.

The family meeting was simple. To pack only the valuables and leave before evening. He already got a new home away from here. Tickets for the flight were ready and printed. He called the new owner requested him to come.

He handed the key to the new owner with a big broad smile. He took his family and left before evening. The family moved to a new home, new city, new people, new life – no more nightmarish hell.

Yes, the 2 guys have their videos. However, they were unaware of their location or contact details. Slowly they got settled in their new lives.

Still, some habits are hard to die. Sai and Soundarya had continued their incest relationship. Sometimes Annapurna also joined them. The family was now open about everything. In the end, it’s all in the family.

Darkness and light, what would you choose or accept to live with? Darkness and Light go hand-in-hand. Light brings forth a certain amount of darkness. Darkness accompanies light in the shadows.

The tale of the family continues, now in incest mode away from the worldly darkness which haunted them. The taste of darkness is sweet when the light seems too bright to survive. Once accustomed, it makes its home in our homes.

So, what would you rather have living in your homes? You decide! Reaching out to light? Or drying up in darkness?

Like this family, many of us need help from time to time to survive and get us back on our track, a positive one. Let’s not shy away from asking for help. Let’s not forget we are human beings who need help and should ask for it and be open-minded.

Why let the darkness consume you? Why deny the path illuminated by light get swept away?

Today, when we think we are strong and do not show our true feelings, we lose to life. Today, in modern times, are we better than yesterday or are we weaker than before?

Today in modern times, are we evolving or drowning? Let’s reach out! Just some food for thought. Have a positive moment, day, week, month, year, life ahead!

Pokemaniac signing off.

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