Experiences In Sex – Part II

ISS Admin 2010-09-30 Comments


‘I don’t like that smell, it smells like…’

‘No don’t say it, I know how it smells, but if you don’t like it, don’t do it, but I like it when you rub your fingers on my slit’. Saying which she squeezed my penis looking at me expectantly. I did not want to hurt her.

‘If you say so, I’ll do it’ saying which I put my hand in her panty and rubbed my finger on her slick slit and squeezed the fleshy lips around her slit.

This must have continued for about another month. By then we stopped feeling each other just saying bye to each other. We continued playing together but by now neither of us ever said lets play.

I was around thirteen years when it happened. As usual I was rubbing and squeezing my penis in bed at night, enjoying the feeling. The fore skin of my penis rubbed against the swollen glands. It felt nice. Oh that felt good. I rubbed. Soon both hands fumbled with the chord of my pajama, and out it popped, straining upward from my lap, its head swollen and hard. I was astonished. I stared at it as I rubbed, soon finding a certain area of wrinkled skin just under the head that — Oh, yeah — Oh, yeah –what a pleasant feeling it was Oooh– Oh, yeah –

Oh, oooooooh gush, gush, gush, gush, gush, gush..streams of thick milky fluid pulsed out as my penis throbbed
gush..gush. All over the bed, my pajamas, everywhere. It wasn’t the intensely sexy experience I thought it would be; the thing I remember most was my utter amazement in the pleasure I felt when my penis throbbing and the gel like liquid squirting emanating from my scrotum and traversing through my penis and gushing out.

Next day morning, the same hardness. I did that again, feeling and rubbing my penis. And it happened again, gush ..gush…long milky streaks of thick white fluid streamed out, five…gush …gush…ten…eleven…gush gush..fifteen sixteen and it stopped. An intense feeling of pleasure engulfed me. Being a Saturday and off at school, I slept. The maid servant, Rita woke me up after an hour. Rita was about twenty five years old now. She saw the damp stickiness and gave me a curious naughty smile. I was scared that she might report the damp spots. But nothing happened.

When it was time for my bath, Rita as usual bathed me. Before pouring water on me, she held my penis and pulled the fore-skin back and gently gripped my slimy slick cockhead with her thumb and forefinger and rubbed it up and down. My penis was slimy and coated with a thick slick fluid. She rubbed the fluid between her thumb and fore finger and smelt it. She then smelt my cock head. She looked up and again gave me that crooked smile again. She bathed me. My penis became hard and I was scared that again that white liquid might spurt out. Rita bathed me but nothing happened.

She managed to clean my penis. As she finished drying me, she did a strange thing. She held my penis gave a gentle kiss to my penis. I was very embarrassed.‘ You are a big boy now, and you must have your bath yourself. You must have bath alone.’ Soon I learnt from my friends that they to experienced this. I then understood that this was called as masturbation. I used to masturbate almost daily in the toilet. Later I learnt what is sex. The mystery of dogs mounting, horses mounting mares, bulls mounting cows and huge monkeys chasing small female monkeys mounting them while they piteously cried became clearer.

My friendship with Shreya continued. The school mates used to call us love birds. But neither I nor Shreya ever bothered about it as we knew that we were very good child hood friends and enjoyed the company of each other. Neither of us ever said lets play. I used to masturbate more frequently.

It was after the tenth board exams. I was fifteen then. One day in the morning, I and Shreya were playing around the pond and skimming stones on the pond. After a while I got bored and started practicing throwing the ball in the hoop. My back was towards Shreya as she continued skimming stones on the water.

After tossing and spinning the ball a foot into the air a few times until I felt loose again, I bent my knees slightly as I readied a 14′ shot. Raising the basketball in front of me, I began an easy jump to launch the ball into an arc towards the hoop. Just before my release, a blast of ice cold water hit the back of my neck. ‘Hey!’

I knew the ball would hit wide of its mark. I spun around on my way down. Shreya was already doubled over from laugher. All her pearly white teeth were flashing my way in a cows grin. Both arms were extended towards me. One hand was palm up; fingers spread like a crossing guard signaling ‘Stop’. The other hand held a squirt gun pointed at my face.

Not a word was spoken. She couldn’t speak because she was laughing too hard. I couldn’t say anything because I was too surprised. Leaning forward, I began a series of short menacing steps in Shreya’s direction. Laughing hysterically, she retreated while threatening to squirt me if I didn’t stop. My stalking continued until her feet got to the end of the mowed court. As her right foot felt the drag of the tall grass, her gaze shifted to her feet. That split second was all I needed. Like a big cat who’s prey just zigged when it should have zagged, I leapt. My target was the squirt gun. My goal was revenge.

Shreya reacted perfectly; her arms flew above her head, moving the gun out of my reach. She also got off a squirt that hit me square between the eyes, causing me to blink. Having launched myself like a diver into a pool, my hands reached out for her. I grabbed for her waist, trying not to land on my face, but only grasped her clothing. Since she’d been bent over laughing and not in a good position to keep her balance, she went down on her butt, letting out a shriek. As she fell backwards, my hands pulled her sweat shorts completely down along with her panty.

My momentum carried me forward. When the brief disorientation from the hard landing passed, I found myself staring directly at the most perfect pussy I’d even seen. Her sparse pubic hair was almost a light fur of hair as I remembered Shreya crotch. Her scent filled my nostrils, it was no longer fishy but something I wished to smell, making my head swim. The shorts were completely off of one leg. I was lying on my belly between her spread thighs. My hips began a tiny rise off of the ground, like a car on a lift, as my penis instantly filled with blood.

I never looked up; I was transfixed by the perfection mere inches away. Already I was breathing like a stallion downwind from a mare barn. Feeling my hot breath on her exposed genitals caused Shreya to fall instantly silent; she froze like a rabbit suddenly aware of a nearby fox. She was breathing heavily too. Judging by the lack of tension in her abdominal muscles, I suspect she laid her head back on the tall grass. Neither of us spoke, only the sounds of our heavy breathing and of the farms could be heard as my nose sniffed her vaginal lips.

How many minutes passed as my male brain absorbed each minute detail of the feminine perfection so unexpectedly revealed? I’ll never know. My mind entered a new reality where only Shreya and I existed, nothing except us remotely mattered. The light covering of dark fur did little to hide her dampening slit. Shreya’s vaginal lips swelled before my eyes, her pink inner flesh began to slightly reveal itself. She made no attempt to cover up and I made no attempt to stop gazing up her crotch so close. I was fascinated in seeing my first hairy pussy so closely.

No one had ever told us what we were ‘supposed’ to do, but instinct bailed us out. She pushed her crotch to my face and my tongue involuntarily licked the top of her gash. Shreya moaned. I knew it was a moan of pleasure. I did not stop. She did not push my head away. I kissed left then right, lower, then lower still. She held my head firmly, thrusting my face into her crotch. Shreya gradually raised her knees while spreading her legs, granting me full access to wherever my lips wished to taste as she moaned. Nibbles became interspersed with my kisses. The longer my mouth explored her vulva, the more her slit seemed to open up, inviting ever deeper probing.

When my tongue slid into her gash, I heard the air in her lungs rush out of her body. I certainly didn’t know what I was doing, but Shreya’s body told me I was pleasing her greatly. Her hips had begun rolling seductively shortly after first licking her soft, slippery inner flesh. She held my head and firmly pushed it in her crotch. Repeatedly I worked my tongue carefully up and down her slit. It tasted funny, something musky and I was enjoying the taste. This soon taught me she enjoyed being licked everywhere, but some places she enjoyed even more than others.

An overpowering desire to see her breasts urged me to kiss my way up and about her taut abdomen then tummy. My hands pushed her top up just ahead of my wandering lips as I pushed up her T shirt. Finally the bottom of her breasts began to show. Using just my abdominal muscles to arch my back, I gradually unveiled Shreya’s soft, heavenly breasts from her bra. Her mounds had a firm, yet unbelievably soft appearance that God gives women that age to make them irresistible.

I exchanged long stares with the inch and a half wide pale brown eyes below me. The long, thick, darker brown nipple at the center of each areola pulled at me like steel to a magnet. My parted lips were soon drawn to her pliant flesh. Minutes passed as I savored her long hidden delights. There were so many wondrous sensations as I kissed from one tender breast to the other, I couldn’t say any one was the best. My fingers couldn’t get enough of her baby soft skin. Shreya was moaning and held my head with her hands, making no attempt to stop me.

Shreya guided my mouth to her engorged right nipple; it was like sucking a large fingertip between my lips. Its texture was completely unique, the warmth and feel of that special fleshy nub caused violent reactions within me. My body trembled. I suckled both breasts until my jaw began to hurt. She pulled my face to hers and kissed me. We kissed each other hungrily and clung to each other as we rolled into the shade of a tree. We kissed and groped each other.

Pushing myself up until I was on my knees between her splayed thighs, I pulled my shirt over my head, then cast it aside. I stared down into Shreya’s sparkling eyes. Our faces showed passion, yet little expression. Holding my gaze, she pulled her shirt and bra over her head, then lay back silently. She was completely nude. The rolling of her breasts as she had moved only served to enflame me further.

Lowering myself until I was back at her breasts, my lips briefly expressed my adoration again, before kissing their way over Shreya’s upper chest then neck. As much as I marveled at the softness of her throat, I was driven to find her mouth. We had never really kissed, I had to know what her mouth would feel like pressed to mine. Our eyes met as I slid up her slightly sweating body until our lips were an inch apart. Her hand settled behind my head. Eyes closing, Shreya gently pulled us together. Was it possible that her lips were softer than anything I’d ever felt? Our first real kiss was a lengthy, tender, pressing of our lips. Soft, so very, very soft.

Shreya parted her lips slightly. I had French kissed, briefly, a few times when a girl and I had ducked around a corner after someone’s birthday party. But I’d never really made out with a girl. I knew how to start our tongue kissing, but I was tentative and inexperienced. Fortunately, Shreya was equally unsure. We recognized our mutual naivetĂ©. It allowed us to relax, develop a technique, then refine it together. Our tongues drew enormous pleasure from each other. Our bodies were profoundly effected by our intimate probing and moist, breathy contacts.

As our passion increased, Shreya’s hands first roamed across my bare shoulders, upper back, lower back, then finally slid under my waistband. At first her fingers trailed over my buns, but the more labored her breathing became, the more she formed a death grip on my cheeks, pulling my erection hard against her drenched pussy. Releasing my butt, I felt her struggling to lower my sweat pants. The pants caught on my erection. I pushed myself up using both arms, then used one hand assist her.

Shreya reached into my pants; her fingers surrounded my penis. I almost collapsed. My sharp inhalation when she gripped my shaft drew her attention back to my face. I gazed down at someone I’d never seen before. Not my friend next door, but the young woman I’d spent most of my life with. So many things snapped into focus. Together we lowered my pants. She gasped on seeing my penis and her eyes grew wide. However, she pulled me on top of her as she lay spread with my penis nestling her crotch.

I lay down on top of Shreya, she hugged me hard, our heated nude bodies pressing against each other, my hard skin pressing into her soft skin, my chest mashing her breasts ; she guided me while shifting her hips so my shaft ended up nestled along her slit. We kissed for several minutes longer, tingling head to toe from not only the excitement of our warm flesh writhing together, but also from the heady knowledge that after all these years we’d found each other.

Shreya was actually ready for penetration before I was. Her hands left my neck and back so she could reach between us. I lifted my hips thinking she only wanted to fondle me. She did stroke me for a minute. I could sense her gauging my size and heft, but soon she was using her hands to coat my penis with my oozing lubrication, plus adding some from herself. The pleasure of her hands running up and down my shaft was so new and so intense that it didn’t register immediately that she’d aimed my tapered tip at her opening.

With a low moaning sound Shreya grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into her out stretched legs. I sort of lowered myself rather tentatively onto Shreya. She put her hands around my arse, pulling me down until I was laying completely on top of her, my penis thrusting awkwardly into her crotch. She had crossed her legs over my hips and was pulling me onto her. My penis felt the warm slick slit. I liked the feeling. ‘Oh, this is really nice,’ she whispered, turning her head and kissing me on my mouth. The big moment was coming.

‘Yeah,’ I said with a little grin, sliding my lubricated cock head in between her slit, enjoying the feelin but unable to locate the hole by which my penis would slide in, feeling frustrated.

‘I can still feel your thing poking me, jaldi karo, push it in. Why don’t you fuck me’

I was surprised when she mouthed the f word. Where did she learn it. Did she know the meaning? I did not care about it. All I wanted was to fuck her, and experience what a fuck was like. I pushed my penis in between her legs. Nothing happened. I was getting irritated and jabbed wildly between her legs into her crotch.

‘Relax, come , let me try something’

‘Ok.’ I started to lift myself up.

‘No, no. Don’t move.’


Shreya spreading her legs, reached down between our legs. She held my throbbing penis and guided it into her slit. She reached for it again, tried to draw it to her; I crouched to get low enough; and she began rubbing the head of my penis up and down her smooth slick warm hairy slit. The swollen slick lips parted, she looked down, to see what my dick looked like. She held it away from her for a moment, staring, then resumed rubbing it against her pussy. The warmth of her slick slit was maddening; the smoothness of her swollen slick lips felt wonderful.

And because I was so much taller than she, even though I was by now crouching, the wrong part of my dick was making contact; the sensitive underside of the head never touched her. These things hardly seemed to matter, though. The sensation was overwhelming. Not only had I seen my first adult pussy, here I was stroking it with my dick.

‘Ok. Now just put your penis near the pink opening, push your thing like forward and down and then you won’t be rubbing on me anymore.’

‘Ok.’ I don’t know if I had any clue what was about to happen, but I did as I was told as I did not want the opportunity of my first fuck to pass. Leaning forward, I lowered the head of my dick to her little slit. I felt her warm wetness tease the tip of it. I rubbed up and down, groping for her little hole. It occurred to me for the first time how absurd this was; there was no way my bloated cock head was going to fit into that little, tiny pink hole.

Pressing her knee back toward her chest, she raised her hips higher. Her butt rotated up toward me, her little pussy lips spread more widely; I drew back a bit as she moved, and looked down. There it was; I could see it now; her tiny, pink hole, no wider than a jotter refill, glistening wetly in the soft light, angled up toward me, toward my throbbing dick, at just the right angle.

I nestled the tip of my penis against the mouth of her little hole and pushed, gently. Nothing. I pushed harder. Still nothing. I pulled back in frustration. Shreya was nearly frantic; ‘No, no, go on! Go on!’ I looked at Shreya. As I hesitated, she turned to look up at me. I stared into her sparkling huge eyes; saw, or thought I saw, eagerness there. I resumed pushing as if my life depended on it.

My hard penis curved and bent at the effort; I squeezed desperately to hold it straight enough; pushing harder. She smiled, and turned her head again, clutching harder at my forearms. I felt the little hole squeeze the head of my dick; her sucking wetness was maddening; I was desperate to plunge deeply up into her I trembled and shoved. Nothing happened.

Shreya looked up at me smiled and said ‘Relax, and push it in let me help you’

I just relaxed a bit when two things happened simultaneously –she swiveled and thrust her buttocks up as I lunged into her resulting in my penis slipping into her cunt and huge swollen cock head was embedded-her eyes shot open – and she let out a scream and wrapped her legs around my waist to keep me from pulling out. I was scared as she had really screamed hard. Although she was screaming, I enjoyed the feeling of the warm silky muscles of her cunt gripping hard on my penis.

‘Is it all right? Should I pull out? Are you hurt?’

‘No don’t’ Shreya said, looking at my stunned face.

‘Now you can fuck or do you want me to teach you how to fuck?’

I moved slowly in and out, pushing my massive member a little further into her pussy with each thrust. She was writhing on the bed, gleaming with sweat and moaning continuously. ‘. . . hai Ram! . . . Oh Fuck, I! . . . Oh maaa! . . .’

She slammed her pelvis against my crotch, screaming as she took my last three inches in one violent motion. ‘God Yeah I!’ I could see my thick shaft was now fully embedded in her, sliding in and out of her clinging lips as Rita worked her hips. ‘Fuck me hard I!’ She grabbed my hands and guided them to her breasts. ‘Squeeze my tits! Fuck me rough! You know I can take it!’

Shreya screamed continuously as I mauled her breasts and started fucking her. She stared into my eyes the whole time. Bellowing like a bull , I drove my full length up her cunt, slamming my balls against her pussy lips. I rammed her over and over. She was having her orgasm. She clung tightly to me as waves of orgasm racked her body. I must have stroked in and out about five times. Suddenly my balls contracted and my penis throbbed. Wads of thick warm sperms sprayed into her hot chooth with each violent thrust. Streams of cum streaked into her
eighteen when at last I could not pump any more cum in her.

She continued cumming even after I had finally spent myself, holding me between her legs and working her snatch around my cock, her body thrashing around, dragging me, cum oozing out around my penis and dribbling down to her arse hole. I finally grabbed her hips and forced her to be still. We lay clinging to each other, my penis plugging her cunt as we kissed deeply. She was in my arms and was kissing me.

We lay hugging, kissing as my penis plugged her cunt. Blood stained semen dribbled out from her cunt and spread down her thighs. After a while, I wanted to fuck her again. ‘Once again?’ She rolled over pulling me on top of her, in the natural fuck position. My hips made tiny, slow pushes, similar to her short pelvic thrusts.

The only thing that saved me from ejaculating was the concentration required as I tried to guess at our progress or increase my penetration without hurting my lover. If I’d allowed myself to think about how incredible it felt each time I pushed my penis a teeny bit deeper into Shreya, I never would’ve completed our first attempted coupling. We’d kissed a few times as we strove for penetration, but mostly we focused on what our hips were doing.

It had been hard to breathe due to the excitement we felt. I tried not to hear the erotic wet sounds my penis made as it moved in and out of her slippery pussy. Once I was at long last buried to the hilt inside Shreya, I lifted my head. We looked into each other’s eyes, both of us smiling the wry smile of a sense of accomplishment of the final barrier between a male and female.

Shreya wrapped her legs around my waist, holding me tight inside her as I leaned in to kiss her deeply. My body was soon beyond my control. My hips resumed the tiny thrusts that had so recently achieved my first insertion. The mind numbingly intense rapture of having my penis embedded in Shreya’s pussy compelled my body to begin the primal thrusting that would bring release.

Tiny back and forth motions became longer and longer thrusts. I wanted to slow down, to make the moment last, but I was too excited, not to mention too inexperienced. My penis felt like it was swelling to the size of a baseball bat; my balls drew tight against me. Judging by Shreya’s body movements, she must have known I was about to come inside her. Her hips drove against me at an angle that begged my body to push my sperm into her deepest recesses. She matched me moan for moan; her swaying hips caused mine to drive into her on every thrust.

I felt it begin. Semen left my balls, entered my penis, travelled the length of my shaft, then shot into Shreya’s womb. Warmth spread within her as my sperm coated her insides. Gush after gush erupted. I felt like sperm was coming out of me long after it had probably stopped. Her muscles squeezed my shaft like a milkmaid’s hands; her body implored mine to yield every possible drop of fluid I could produce.

Began to deflate, my glands grew hypersensitive. I strove to record every glorious sensation derived from my movements inside Shreya before nature forced us to stop. I didn’t panic because our lovemaking was over sooner than I wanted. I knew her body would quickly reawaken mine. I knew we’d found something else we’d enjoy doing together, hopefully for years to come. We did it once again before she left. She did not see me for the next ten days.

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